Directions to Gary, Naomi, Hannah, Joseph and Samuel Sitzmann’s house
461 Farrington Court -- (847)808-0028 Highland Park, IL:
West on Deerfield road (it will after Milwaukee and curve a bit)Continue from Deerfield Parkway through Checker (just go straight at IL 83/McHenry Road) (The map marks it as County road 11)
Make a left on Farrington Drive (past Willow Grove School) about ¾ of a mile past IL 83.
Make another left at Farrington Ct (1 block past 1st stop sign) First house on right past small wooded field. (461 Farrington Ct.)
From the City, Take IL 94 to Wisconsin and exit at Deerfield parkway and go West (left) and then follow the directions starting at A: above.
From Lake-Cook Road, go West until Mchenry Road or 83 (Jewel on right) then North, then left on Checker Road (Deerfield Parkway), then left on Farrington Drive, and then
Left on Farrington Ct to 461 (first house on right).